Could You Be Suffering From Estrogen Dominance?
You might be curious about what the term estrogen dominance truly means. Although it's a commonly used term, its title can be misleading because it’s not really about excess estrogen per se (read on and I’ll explain!). Today, we'll explore this concept more deeply, and I'll provide you with some ways to address estrogen dominance if it's causing issues for you.
First things first, let’s start with ESTROGEN itself. Estrogen is a hormone that’s secreted by the ovaries and regulates your menstrual cycle. It rises as you hit puberty. Then, each month as your estrogen levels surge, your uterine lining preps for fertilization. When those levels drop, menstruation begins. As you age, your estrogen levels begin decreasing, leading to menopause, which marks the end of the reproductive years.
Progesterone is another sex hormone that supports menstruation and pregnancy in women. If conception doesn’t occur during a menstrual cycle, progesterone levels drop, and you get your period.
Now, it’s a bit more complicated than that, and I do plan on spending some time in the new year focusing on menstrual health and the transition through to menopause, but we’ll leave it there for today.
Suffice to say, you can get into trouble if your estrogen-progesterone ratios are out of whack. So estrogen dominance is not really excess estrogen outside the normal laboratory reference range. it’s more the term used to describe the state in which estrogen levels are elevated in relation to the progesterone:
high estrogen, normal progesterone
high estrogen, low progesterone
normal estrogen, low progesterone
low estrogen, lower progesterone (so that estrogen is still the dominant sex hormone)
Estrogen dominance is generally caused by a few factors including:
Hormone therapy (HRT, including bio-identical hormone therapy)
Environmental estrogens (xenoestrogens - this explanation is coming next, I promise, and IT’S IMPORTANT!)
Stressful lifestyle
Glandular dysfunction (premature failure, cysts, tumors, HPA-HPT Axis dysregulation )
Birth Control Pill (not ovulating, longer luteal phase, shorter cycles)
Low beneficial gut bacteria
Chronic constipation
Impaired liver detoxification
Diet (lack of fibre and phytonutrients, high in poor-quality animal saturated fat, high in chemicals, estrogens)
XENOESTROGENS (🔊zee·now·eh·struh·jnz)
Xenoestrogens are compounds that mimic the hormone estrogen, but are not produced by the body. They’re found in foods and drinking water, as well as in plastics and personal care products that we frequently encounter (dozens and dozens of times a day!).
Because these compounds interact with estrogen receptors in the body, xenoestrogens affect hormone balance. Sometimes they can have positive effects on your health, but more often than not, their impact is detrimental.
These detrimental xenoestrogens fall under the category of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and they enter our system mainly through
food consumption
skin contact
Overexposure to xenoestrogens can disrupt hormone balance and lead to estrogen dominance.
If your estrogen dominance is left untreated, it can increase your risk of a variety of conditions such as heart disease, thyroid issues, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes.
But the biggest long-term risk of estrogen dominance is the heightened likelihood of developing hormonal cancers like breast, ovarian, and endometrial cancers.
In particular, a relationship between high estrogen levels and breast cancer has been well-established.
Start in your kitchen. Get rid of the plastic. Did you know microwaving multiplies the effects of xenoestrogens? Plastic is everywhere, but do your best to switch to glass containers and bring your own travel mug/take out containers to avoid single use products (especially when they are hot!).
Next look in your fridge and freezer. Conventionally produced meat and dairy products are harmful to both your health and the environment. These items can be full of growth hormones, exposing us to various xenoestrogens.
Remember: You are what you eat, ate.
Read that again, it’s a mouthful! What I mean is that if you eat beef that lived on a feedlot and ate a poor diet, then you, too, are ingesting those same poor quality substances . Choose organic or grass-fed meat and dairy. I have lots to say about this, so reach out if you need help cutting costs or choosing sources.
Reduce your intake of conventionally grown fruits and vegetables or anything that has been exposed to insecticides or pesticides. It’s always better to buy organic, but washing all produce before eating it is crucial.
Did you know that the Environmental Working Group publishes a list of the “dirtiest” (most pesticide-laden) crops each year?
They also release a list of the “cleanest” crops. So if you want to save some money, opt for those on the Clean 15 list.
Try not to buy anything on the Dirty Dozen.
More tips:
Avoid artificial food additives (MSG, artificial sweeteners, etc.)
Invest in a good water filter (I recommend Santevia or Berkey). Tap water, pipes and faucets are known to contain lead, pesticides, pathogens, chlorine treatment by-products, arsenic, fertilizer, radioactive contaminants, and pharmaceuticals. These contaminants can lead to health issues including cancer, thyroid conditions, and bone disease to liver and kidney.
Brita filters are useful to eliminate chlorine in tap water, however they do not eliminate bacteria, fungus, viruses, microplastics or pharmaceuticals.
Next, consider your bathroom space. Most self-care items contain xenoestrogens. Things like cosmetics, soap, shampoo, lotions, toothpaste and more. Xenoestrogens applied directly to the skin bypass liver filtration, allowing 100% of them to enter the bloodstream, making their potency 10 times stronger. Bad news!
Message me for a list of brands I love!
Stop using dryer sheets. Full stop.🛑They are full of chemicals and xenoestrogens.
Switch out all your chemical based household cleaners to natural alternatives. Consider using baking soda, vinegar, castor oil and essential oils to clean.
Remove artificial fragrances. Candles, room deodorizers, and other artificial scents contain harmful VOCs and other chemicals that have been shown harmful to human health. For a more natural approach, use products scented with essential oils or extracts.
Installing an air filter and staying on top of routine maintenance checks for all appliances are also crucial steps.
Sweating through exercise and sauna can also improve the elimination of endocrine disruptors from the body.
Ensuring your living space remains free of xenoestrogens is essential to shield yourself and your family from the potential long-term health impacts of hormone disruptors. Be vigilant about what you introduce into your home, seeking natural alternatives whenever feasible.
I know this might seem like a lot of information, but Estrogen Dominance is wreaking havoc on almost everyone’s life and most people don’t even know it.
These are just a handful of tips to minimize your exposure to toxins. We go through this information is greater detail and I support you 100% of the way of when we work together in my 3-month THRIVE program.
We break all of this down into bite-sized steps and we add supplements or verify with lab tests only when it is required.
If you’re eager to delve deeper or collaborate to address the underlying causes of your health concerns, I can help you!