Holiday Survival Tips
Are you starting to feel a tension creeping into your body about the upcoming holidays?
Are you already stressed out thinking about the pressures that come with the seasonal obligations?
Worried about holiday binging and the aftermath come January?
The holiday season is filled with family gatherings, socializing with friends, food and drink, music, food, attending parties, and, of course, more feasting! Notice the food theme? It’s a bustling time packed with commitments that bring joy but can also bring stress to your schedule and to your body. While you might have focused on fitness, staying active, and mindful eating throughout the year, the holidays can throw these healthy habits off track.
Here are some essential tips to stay healthy during the holidays without sacrificing all the festive fun, so you don’t have to wait until January 1st to get started.
1. Prioritize sleep and naps where you can. When we’re really busy, our bodies need even more time to rejuvenate. It keeps your cortisol balanced and helps with appetite as well. So, grab your book, a cup of tea and get yourself to bed as early as you can over the holidays.
2. Practice mindful eating. Be aware and set yourself up for success.
• Eat a small snack before you head to a party, so you don’t show up starving. Don’t “save” your calories for the party. When we’re really hungry, our blood sugar dips low and then we tend to overeat. That’s when we choose the high sugar/processed carb options at the table.
• Bring your own healthy dish, so you know you have one thing you can count on. Ideas include veggies and dip, hummus and crackers, nuts, or salad if it’s a meal-based party.
3. Swap out ingredients in your favorite recipes to decrease sugar and increase fibre. One of my favorite sugar swaps is using maple syrup instead of traditional sugars because it has a lower glycemic index, which means it spikes your blood sugar less than say, white table sugar. I also increase fibre (and omega 3 fats) in smoothies, yogurt and desserts simply by adding in ground flax meal. I throw it in whatever I can – it’s such a healthy addition. Want healthier mashed potatoes? Throw in some frozen cauliflower at the tail end of cooking your potatoes. Use Greek yogurt instead of sour cream. Get creative and google healthier swaps in cookies, cakes, and other holiday favorites.
4. Stay hydrated. Bring your water bottle everywhere you go. Consider adding electrolytes – these can be a game changer! When I don’t use them, I feel much more tired. I like Aussie Minerals and LMNT brands (no affiliation), but you can also just add a pinch of salt to your water here and there. Enjoy your festive drinks but consider having a glass of water between each at parties.
5. Keep moving, preferably outdoors. Aim to do something, anything, for 30 minutes a day. If you can get to the gym to lift weights, great. But we all know that isn’t always the priority this month. Throw your jacket on and go outside for a 30 minute walk. Do some squats or stretching during commercial breaks. Park the car far away from the store entrance and walk. I also love to make time for a walk amidst my errands. Grab a tea and walk through your city park for 30 minutes to take a break from your busy day of errands.
6. Take 10 minutes a day just for yourself. More if you have it. But 10 minutes just to be with your thoughts. You don’t have to meditate (it’s a great idea though!). Try to just sit still for 10 minutes and be alone. Or combine that with your daily walk and presto – you’ve got some exercise and some serious self-care.
7. Set limits and delegate. You don’t have to do everything, go to every event or please everyone. Prioritize what really needs to get done. Maybe consider putting up fewer decorations this year, so you save some time in set-up and clean-up. Grab a bag salad and a roasted chicken for supper on days you’re extra busy. Say no to one event this season and do something for yourself instead. Get some helpers – can someone else wrap those gifts? Can someone else go mail that package for you? Can you order your groceries online and then just go pick them up? You could even tell your family you’re actually shopping for the groceries you just ordered and use that free time to do something for yourself instead. I won’t tell a soul!🤫
If you take nothing else away from this article, I want you to remember this:
The 80/20 rule.
Say yes to 80% of your holiday obligations, but slow down for the other 20%. Take some time for self-care.
Eat clean, whole foods 80% of the time, but save 20% for indulgences.
What if you were able to incorporate some of these changes and this could be the best December you ever had?
Instead of feeling tired and run-down and awful when January rolls around, what if you could actually feel good? What if you could feel empowered?
What if you could still enjoy those holiday foods and traditions, but just in a different way than you ever have before? What would that look like?
What would it look like to experience the things you want to experience without overdoing it?
We talked about this and more in this week’s Wellness Wednesday🌿 newsletter. My subscribers also received a collection of beautiful (& free!) Holiday Recipe Books from me. If you haven’t signed up for my weekly newsletter, what are you waiting for? Register Here